Beyond the Veil

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Planet Earth is the asylum to which the rest of the universe sends its lunatics.


Belief in conspiracy theories is more than just the belief in an occasional underhand plot.It is a belief system that asserts that world events are being governed in secret by a group of ultrapowerfull puppeteers behind the scenes.While little may be done about this sorry state of affairs,at least we can have the satisfaction of having worked out what is going on.

Of course,one can argue that obsession with conspiracy theories serves only to demonstrate the lunatic paranoia running rife in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Much talk about conspiracies is dismissed as paranoia and much of it is paranoia. But in reality,history has proved all too well that politicians lie,presidents lie and bureaucrats lie. If we continue to be gullible and believe everything that is presented to us,the truth will never come out. It becomes not only interesting and revealing but an absolute priority to question authority and,more specifically,the authoritarians.

Why is it that we can accept that Tony Blair´s smile is as broad as it appears? Or that the American CIA assassinated the president of Chile,but we cannot believe that they assassinate their own? Why is that we can accept that governments would experiment on their citizens with plutonium,syphilis and nerve gas,but don´t consider that they would use the AIDS virus? Why did the German populace accept in the first place that Hitler was trustworthy?

Conspiracy theories are not new. It is believed that Nero concocted an elaborate tale to shift the blame to the Christians for the burning of Rome. Hitler was a master of such deceipt. And,undoubtedly,when conspiracies fail to accurately predict world events,this only serves to prove their credibility. Double bluff is refined to an art form.

It cannot be denied that controversy has often accompanied many of the pivotal turning points of Western civilization. Many major events,for better or for worse,have occurred as the result of people behind the scenes who have held the keys to the actions of the world.

In Kate Tuckett, Conspiracy Theories.


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